What is Profile Management?

Simplifying satellite branch/location management...

It sounds complicated and if you've tried to manage a few or a few thousand locations and keep track of their attributes, you know that you can get yourself into a mess of data. This application is tailored to help you create the needed attributes that you want to track about your locations and use those attributes to figure out more complex associations.

You're probably dealing with a network of spreadsheets or columns that indicate your locations' setup, but then you need advanced Excel skills to decipher them and make sense out of the data. Often times, our clients had hired brokers to handle that data and make sense of it for them, but then find out that their data had been hijacked and owned by that company. Put all of that behind you.

Manage your data in an easy to use single or multiple location update interface. Make as many attributes and udpates as you need to manage your locations effectively. Once you're done, you can use our 'list creator' or 'promotion / campaign manager' to query your data and get exactly what you want out of it immediately. Do you want to know how many of your locations in the US have 4 windows? As easy as creating attributes to track country and number of windows, you can then update all of your locations values and query it immediately for that answer. Once you save your values, they are there for future use. No more spreadsheets! No more advanced Excel skills! Just tell our system what you want from your data. We'll do the rest.

Contact us today to find out more: print.info@taylor.com

Profile Management

noun [proh-fahyl man-ij-muh nt]

The act of using a robust utility for managing and maintaining location based attributes within a brick-and-mortar style business environment. Whether you have multiple locations or affiliates, and are attempting to track unique information about each location, this utility can help you become more effective at managing and maintaining that information. Further uses of the utility include searching, reporting, and utilization of retrieved information for promotional marketing needs.

See also: Productivity, Business Intelligence, or Success

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